Design Team Dynamics

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Mel: Communications assignments

Before everyone came to tonight's meeting on Communication, here's what happened.

First, Mel was a slacker and very forgetful and didn't send the readings out for nearly a week. Everybody read "The Art of Project Management," specifically the chapter on Communication and Relationships, p. 170-184.

Each individual was given a different reading set in addition to these and an assignment to present their topic to the group in the form of whatever topic they were given. For instance, Chris did a presentation on presentation and Tim facilitated a dialogue on dialogues. The individual readings were as follows.

Chris on Presentations: Edward Tufte booklet, "The Cognitive Style of Powerpoint: Pitching Out Corrupts Within"

Liana on Email: "The Art of Project Management," section on email p. 193-197. Also: ("Context" and "Summary" sections) (bullet points) (points 2 and 3)

Tim on Discussions: "The Fifth Discipline," chapter on Team Learning, p. 233-269 with emphasis on p. 246-247 and 259-269.

Eric on Specifications: "The Art of Project Management," chapter on Writing Good Specifications, p. 130-147

Mel read all of the above, created the Communications Triage flashcards, and is writing these notes as her self-imposed assignment.


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